New Access Control System for BRF Stjärnhimlen

 (Swedish translation)

The installation is continuing tomorrow on entrance 12 and entrance 10.

Short circuit in Entrance 12
During the installation today in port 12, there was a short circuit, which caused the internal lamps to go dark. We hope to have this fixed at the beginning of the week. The new access control system is still working.

Timeinterval Intercom
Regarding the Intercom phone: We have set them to be active between 07:00 – 24:00. This means that passing and open the door with he help of the Intercom phones will not work during night time. This is to minimize the abuse they can do with the Intercom phone system, so we can have silence during the night. Between 00:00 – 06:59 you can use the tag, or also the physcial apartment key, to open the entrance door.

Old entrance code
It works, but it will stop working when the new Access control system installation is ready and tested.

Intercom: It is also installed on entrance no. 14 and working now. To open, when someone calls you, use button 5 on your mobile phone. If you have any problems, please let us know at . Tomorrow, March 14, the installation on entrance 12 will begin.

MONDAY 18 March, at 19:00 – 20:00
Where: Floor 2, in entrance no 14
Please, bring a valid ID!

Our current access control system is an outdated system and has a lot of shortcomings in security, in terms of entry and exit in our property. In recent years, there have unfortunately also been a number of intrusions, thefts, vandalism, etc., which means that in the autumn of 2023, we decided to introduce a more modern and secure access system, to create better security for the members in BRF Stjärnhimlen. The new access control system is based on the same technology as our neighboring association, BRF Stjärnkikaren.

With the new access control system, it will no longer be possible to enter with a code. It will only be possible to enter with access badges (tags) or via an intercom.

  • Each household gets 3 new tags in the standard set (the old tags/tags will not work with the new system) and it is of course possible to ask for more tags per household, more about that in Questions & Answers below.
  • The tags are linked directly to each residence and are administered by the BRF association. If any changes of ownership of any of the properties, the tags are handed over together with other keys to new owners of course.
  • Tags are numbered/color-coded. If a tag is lost, this must be reported to the BRF association, which will then immediately block the lost tag. All in order to avoid unauthorized access to members’ property.
  • The tags will be handed out on a few given dates (you can find the dates at the top on this page), which will be communicated in elevators, on facebook page and in emails. Only the owner, or an approved subtenant, can collect the tags, upon presentation of identification document.
  • The tags are connected directly to the entry door at level 0, related to street number your apartment is registered on.
  • The new tags will be needed to passing through the entry doors at level 0, but also to the garbage rooms.
  • With the installation of the new access control system, each household will be set up in an intercom system.
  • Each household must have at least one telephone number registered. It will be possible to register more phone numbers per household.
  • Each number is linked to a name, or apartment number if you do not want your name visible in the intercom.
  • In order for names and numbers to be linked in the system, the person linked to the number must be at least 18 years old.
  • If you forget/don’t bring your tag, you can call yourself via the intercom and open the door.
  • The entry phone is connected to mobile phones, which means that it is also possible to open the door remotely, i.e. if you are not in your condominium yourself, you can open for a courier, for example, who will leave something at your door.

For the latest news , see the top section ”Latest Update” at the top of this page.
Installation of the new system will begin on March 14th, it will start at Evenemangsgatan 14, then port 12 and finally port 10 will be replaced. Installation takes between 2-3 days per port. During this period, both systems will be active. Once the installation is complete, the old system will be disactivated, which means that the current code function as well as the old tags will no longer work.

It is the company Säkra Fastigheter that has the task of installing our new access control system.


  1. Can I order more tags?
  2. Yes, send an email to and let us know how many tags you want, in addition to the three already completed. Each extra tag costs SEK 150,00. To be able to register additional tag(s), you need to provide your internal and external apartment number, e.g. A01 (internal no) and 1101 (external no). Write in the subject ”NEW TAG”
  3. How do I get the new tags?
  4. The association will hand out the tags on a couple of fixed dates (which will be communicated separately)
  5. Will the old tags work with the new access control system?
  6. No, the old tags will be deactivated when the old system is decommissioned
  7. Will I need a new tag to get into the garbage rooms?
  8. Yes, all doors that currently use the old tags will be replaced with the new access control system, where new tags are needed
  9. If I lose a tag, what do I do?
  10. Send an email to and let us know which tag you lost (the tags have different colors), as well as the apartment number (internally and externally). The tag will be blocked for passage. If you need to order a new tag, follow the instructions under question 2 above.

Port Phone:

  1. Can everyone in my family have their ”own button” in the intercom
  • Only people who are 18 years of age or older will be registered in the intercoms. We do not have any limited numbers of family members over 18 years that can have their own intercom button.
  1. Are there restrictions on how many people can have their ”own button” in the intercom, per household
  • At present, there is no limit on the number of numbers per household, provided that the person is registered at the address and is 18 years of age or older.
  1. Who is added to the intercom system?
  • Initially, everyone who has their phone numbers registered in Nabo’s portal will be added to the system. If you want more numbers for members of the household (18 years of age or older), please send information to with name, number, your apartment number (internal and external number (e.g. internal A01, external 1101). We receive the information and make sure it is included in the installation. Write in the heading ”NEW NUMBER”
  1. If a person moves in or out, how is it handled in the access control system?
  • For new members, this is handled directly by the association’s administration. If there are changes in the existing household, send an email to kontakt@brfstjä and provide the information.
  1. How do couriers or craftsmen etc. come in that I need to let in?
  • All the people you need to let in will use the intercom, i.e. they will call on your name from the intercom.

Kind regards,
The Board of BRF Stjärnhimlen